Instructor: Jon Noyes

Pursuing True Justice

Justice has always been at the forefront of the cultural conversation. But when we say "justice," what do we mean? What is true "justice"?

In this course, Jon defines true justice. From there, he looks critically at what's known as "social justice." He doesn't stop with a critical look at an opposing ideology, though. He then turns to the other side and talks about what blind spots might exist in our own understanding of justice.

The focus of this course is to offer a full-bodied concept of justice and to apply that concept to all areas of life. At the end of our time, you’ll see that the answers to the cries of injustice aren’t found in recent movements or ideologies. Instead, only when we return to a true understanding of justice will our culture be healed and injustices remedied.

Simply put, the answer to injustice is biblical justice.
  • I - Why Justice Matters
  • I - Questions
  • II - What is Justice
  • II - Questions
  • III - Justice Perverted
  • III - Questions
  • IV - Doing Justice
  • IV - Questions
  • V - Doing Justice (part 2)
  • V - Questions
  • VI - Blueprint For Justice
  • VI - Questions
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed