Instructor: Greg Koukl

Five “Easy” Issues—Salvation, Abortion, Gender, Marriage, Sex

Though the culture may be confused, faithfulness to God for Christians is not theologically complicated. In Five Easy Issues, Greg Koukl gives an easy-to-understand overview of what the Bible says about salvation, abortion, gender, marriage, and sex. While many contemporary Christians embrace ideas at odds with God’s Word, Greg encourages believers by helping them see the clarity of God’s truth regarding these issues so that they can confidently live and courageously share the truth.
  • I - Introduction
  • I - Questions
  • II - Salvation
  • II - Questions
  • III - Abortion
  • III - Questions
  • IV - Gender
  • IV - Questions
  • V - Marriage
  • V - Questions
  • VI - Sex
  • VI - Questions
  • More Information
Completion rules
  • You must complete the test "VI - Questions"